Instructions as well as details for the submission of papers can be found in the Conference Call for Papers “ICT in Education”.

Oι συγγραφείς πρέπει να χρησιμοποιήσουν το paper template of the conference.

Submission of papers is made through the Oxford Abstracts.

Preparation and Submission Information

The following types of manuscripts can be submitted:

Full papers: They refer to integrated original research papers and studies. The paper should follow the model of the Conference (see relevant section below) and in total the paper should not exceed 8 pages.

Short papers: They relate to the presentation of ongoing studies, new ICT products and applications, research programs or doctoral theses in progress. The paper should follow the model of the Conference (see relevant section below) and in total the work should not exceed 4 pages.

Poster Paper:  Presents using a poster a specific paper of a special nature (eg pilot research, ongoing research/development project, developed product, etc.). Poster papers are in the form of a short article (i.e. up to 3 pages).

Doctoral Consortium Work: It presents the theoretical background, the research questions and the existing course of a doctoral thesis. The objective of the session is to critically comment on the proposals by experienced members of the academic/research community so that the Associate Professors receive valuable feedback on their research ideas and practice. Early theses are especially invited to get the most out of the session experience. The papers, are in the form of a short article (ie up to 4 pages). Οι εργασίες Διδακτορικής Συνεδρίας δεν συμπεριλαμβάνονται στα Πρακτικά του συνεδρίου και δεν καταβάλουν τη συνδρομή του Συνεδρίου που ισχύει για τις άλλες εργασίες. Οι υπ. Δρες που υποβάλουν άρθρο για τη Διδακτορική Συνεδρία ας τοποθετήσουν στο άρθρο τους στη θέση όπου μπαίνει το όνομα συγγραφέα τη φράση “(Διδακτορική Συνεδρία)” ώστε να είναι σαφές κατά την κρίση το είδος του άρθρου

Manuscript preparation Template

All papers should be in MS Word (.docx ή .doc).

As papers are blindly judged, authors should to remove from the text any relevant information (name, position, etc.) before submitting their paper to the system. Any information concerning the authors will be added during the final submission of the papers to be presented at the conference.

For the preparation of their final paper authors should use the paper template of the conference.

Paper submission

Final papers are submitted through the system Oxford Abstracts.