Submission Deadline
Submission Start – February 1, 2023
The Conference
The trigger for the establishment of the "Didactis of Informatics" Conference was the 1st "Didactis of Informatics" Conference, organized in Athens in 2001. It was followed by a Two-Day Conference in 2003 in Volos, which is also the essential beginning of the institution. Since then the Conference has been held every two years and has been hosted by various Universities in many Greek cities: Corinth (2005), Patras (2008), Athens (2010), Florina (2012), Rethymnon (2014), Ioannina (2016), Thessaloniki (2018) and Florina (2021).
The 11th Conference "Didactis of Informatics" is organized by Computer Science Department of the International Hellenic University at September 29 - October 1, 2023.
The goal of the Conference is to be the platform for presentation and dialogue regarding research studies and papers, proposals, analyzes and theoretical frameworks related to the Teaching of Information Technology and the teaching of Information Technology at all levels of education.
The Conference is addressed to the scientific and educational community that deals with research in the teaching of Informatics and the teaching of Informatics in primary, secondary, higher education and training.
The 11th Conference "Didactis of Informatics" is held in parallel with the 13th Panhellenic and International Conference "ICT in Education".
The prestigious scientific journal "Science and Technology Issues in Education" will devote a volume to projects of the Conference, for which there will be a special invitation.
The purpose of the Conference is to contribute to the design, development and dissemination of those policies that aim to support teachers in practice and the essential inclusion of Information Technology and its technologies in education.
Key thematic axes include (but are not limited to):
- Theoretical framework of computer science teaching
- Modern didactic approaches in informatics
- Educational policy for the teaching of informatics
- Computer science degree programs
- Educational assessment in computing
- Didactic programming
- Teaching hardware and software of general use
- Educational environments for teaching computer science concepts
- Didactic use of modern internet and social networking services in IT
- Educational robotics in computer science teaching
- Teaching informatics in primary education
- Teaching informatics in secondary education
- Teaching informatics in higher education
- IT teacher training and support
Call for Papers
The Scientific Committee invites those interested to submit papers related to research results, studies and applications of ICT in Education. The Conference will accept the following types of papers:
Full papers: They refer to integrated original research papers and studies. The paper should follow the model of the Conference (see relevant section below) and in total the paper should not exceed 8 pages.
Short papers: They relate to the presentation of ongoing studies, new ICT products and applications, research programs or doctoral theses in progress. The paper should follow the model of the Conference (see relevant section below) and in total the work should not exceed 4 pages.
Poster Paper: Presents using a poster a specific paper of a special nature (eg pilot research, ongoing research/development project, developed product, etc.). Poster papers are in the form of a short article (i.e. up to 3 pages).
– Όλες οι παραπάνω τύπου εργασίες θα υποβληθούν μέσω του συστήματος υποβολής του Συνεδρίου Oxford Abstracts και θα κριθούν με σύστημα κριτών.
– The acceptance of the papers to be presented at the Conference is based on the originality and quality of each work.
– All papers accepted for presentation will be published in the Proceedings of the Conference.
Doctoral Consortium Work: It presents the theoretical background, the research questions and the existing course of a doctoral thesis. The objective of the session is to critically comment on the proposals by experienced members of the academic/research community so that the Associate Professors receive valuable feedback on their research ideas and practice. Early theses are especially invited to get the most out of the session experience. The papers, are in the form of a short article (ie up to 4 pages).Doctoral Conference papers are not included in the Proceedings of the conference and do not pay the Conference subscription applicable to the other papers. Assistant Professors who submit an article for the Doctoral Session should place in their article the phrase "(Doctoral Session)" in the place where the author's name is inserted, so that the type of article is clear in the judgment
Best paper awards
Best paper award and best paper of new researcher award (Ph.D. candidate or Master's student) will be awarded to full article authors. The selection will be made by the Coordinating Committee of the Conference and will be based on the evaluation of the papers. The awards will be announced at the closing ceremony of the Conference.
Each author of an award-winning paper gets:
- Paper certificate.
- The announcement on the website of the Conference.
- The invitation to extend the paper for publication in a dedicated volume or scientific journal.
- One year's free subscription to ETPE.
- A free participation in the next ETPE Conference.
Important observations
- All papers should be written in Greek or English.
- Each delegate can be an author on a maximum of four papers.
- Any paper accepted and published in the Proceedings of the Conference should accompanied by at least one author entry before June 12, 2023. The same entry cannot be accompanied by more than one papers. So if a writer has more than one papers, he should make sure they get done as many records as papers (by different persons or by the same person).
- The page limits of each paper refer to the entire paper (i.e. the text with the details of the authors, the abstract (up to 200 words), tables, figures, references, etc.).
- Authors are requested to strictly follow the formatting of references (APA style), both in the main text and in the relevant section at the end of their paper. Each reference should be explicitly and clearly mentioned in the main text and, at the same time, appear in alphabetical order in the references section.
- To prepare their paper the authors should use the paper template of the Conference.
Guidelines for Presentations
Full Papers: Time: 15 minutes (presentation 12 minutes + 3 minutes for questions and discussion).
Short Paper: Time: 15 minutes (presentation: 12 + 3 minutes for questions and discussion).
Equipment: In the conference rooms there will be a computer and the necessary projection equipment. Each speaker must have their presentation in electronic format.
Paper preparation – Template
All papers should be in MS Word (.docx ή .doc).
As papers are blindly judged, authors should to remove from the text any relevant information (name, position, etc.) before submitting their paper to the system. Any information concerning the authors will be added during the final submission of the papers to be presented at the conference.
For the preparation of their final paper authors should use the paper template of the conference.
Paper submission
Final papers are submitted through the system Oxford Abstracts.
Session Proposals
Also the Congress will accept suggestions for the organization of a special format of meetings as follows:
Thematic Sessions
Thematic Sessions A 'thematic session' is organized as a collection of papers around a specific research-scientific topic and coordinated by the responsible coordinator. Its purpose is: a) to be a meeting point for different research groups, research programs that have been completed or are being implemented and/or research that has already recorded some results, b) to promote new collaborations and c) to identify new research directions and future challenges. The coordinator of the thematic session submits a proposal for its organization and invites at least four (4) papers. The subject papers are full articles (ie up to 8 pages). Papers will be submitted and judged as all submitted full-article Conference papers and are included in the Conference proceedings.
- How do I submit a Thematic Session proposal: Press here
- Πώς υποβάλλω εργασία για Θεματική Συνεδρία: Η συμμετοχή γίνεται μετά από πρόσκληση από τον Συντονιστή. Μπορείτε να επικοινωνήσετε μαζί του/της ώστε η εργασία σας να περιληφθεί στη Θεματική συνεδρία. Την εργασία σας θα την υποβάλλετε κανονικά μέσω του Oxford Abstracts.
Round Table
Round Table It is a session organized as a discussion around a specific topic with the participation of the audience. The coordinator of the Bank submits a proposal for its organization and invites at least four (4) speakers. Speakers are briefly positioned around the topic (eg time available per speaker 5 or 7 minutes) and then a discussion takes place. The moderator is responsible for conducting the discussion and recording the conclusions. The Bank's conclusions (signed by all the speakers) are included in the minutes of the conference.
- How do I submit a Roundtable proposal: Press here
- How do I participate in a Roundtable: Participation is by invitation from the Moderator. You can contact him/her to join the panel of speakers.
Tutorial This is a session of targeted learning of a tool (eg some software, methodology, etc.). The coordinator of the tutorial submits a proposal for its organization and it is publicly announced in good time so that those interested have the opportunity to register. The tutorial can be implemented on a day and place different from the main papers of the Conference. In a tutorial, the coordinator is also a teacher and presents the subject in the way he wishes and has described in his proposal. A tutorial should set learning goals which it should achieve upon completion. It may be offered free of charge or there may be a small registration fee (depending on the facilitator and the type of training provided). It is not included in the proceedings of the Conference.
- How do I submit a Tutorship proposal: Press here
- How do I participate in a Tutorial: Follow the instructions given in the announcement of each Tutorial.
Workshop A Workshop is a session in which participants have the opportunity to interact more by presenting work in progress or a part of it completed ('work in progress'). The coordinator of the workshop submits a proposal for its organization and invites at least four (4) papers. The papers of the laboratory is short articles (i.e. up to 4 pages) and are included in the proceedings of the Conference. In a workshop, the articles are presented first with time for questions/discussion immediately after each article. There will also be time for questions/discussion as a whole immediately after the completion of the papers presentation. The moderator is responsible for conducting the discussion and recording the conclusions. The conclusions of the Workshop (signed by all the speakers) are included in the minutes of the conference.
- How do I submit a proposal for a Workshop: Press here
- Πώς συμμετέχω σε ένα Εργαστήριο: Η συμμετοχή γίνεται μετά από πρόσκληση από τον Συντονιστή. Μπορείτε να επικοινωνήσετε μαζί του/της ώστε η εργασία σας να περιληφθεί στη Θεματική συνεδρία. Την εργασία σας θα την υποβάλλετε κανονικά μέσω του Oxford Abstracts.
Demonstrations of applications and products (Demos): Software companies, publishing organizations, laboratories or institutes are invited to submit their proposals for the presentation of applications or products that are part of the themes of the Conference and may be of interest to researchers or educators.
- Kazanidis Ioannis, International Hellenic University
- Tsinakos Avgoustos, International Hellenic University
Steering Committee
- Kazanidis Ioannis, International Hellenic University
- Komis Vasileios, University of Patras
- Mikropoulos Anastasios, University of Ioannina
- Τζιμογιάννης Αθανάσιος, Πανεπιστήμιο Πελοποννήσου
- Tsinakos Avgoustos, International Hellenic University
Scientific Committee
(Under configuration)
- Gogoulou A., University of Athens
- Dagdilelis V., University of Macedonia
- Dimitriadis S,. AUTH
- Komis B., University of Patras
- Ladias A., Secondary Education
- Bratitsis Th., University of Western Macedonia
- Xynogalos S., University of Macedonia
- Panagiotakopoulos Ch., University of Patras
- Papadakis SP., PE.K.E.S. Of Western Greece
- Papadakis St., University of Crete
- Papanikolaou K., ASPAITE
- Politis P., University of Thessaly
- Jimoyiannis A., University of Peloponnese
- Tsiotakis P., University of Peloponnese
- Fesakis G., University of the Aegean
Organizational committee
- Kazanidis Ioannis, International Hellenic University
- Tsinakos Avgoustos, International Hellenic University
- Terzopoulos Georgios, International Hellenic University
- Λάζου Χρύσα, Διεθνές Πανεπιστήμιο της Ελλάδος
- Open Proceedings on the Internet: the Proceedings will be freely available online: a) on the Conference website and b) at National Documentation Center (ΕΚΤ).
- Springer Volume: Authors of distinguished articles (based on the reviewers' score) will be invited to submit for review an updated and expanded version of their paper for inclusion (after re-review) in a volume of the series: “Research on e-learning and ICT in Education: Technological, Pedagogical and Instructional Issues” of Springer International Publications. More information will be provided in subsequent invitations and through the Conference website.